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Creating an Archive

Importing the package

All the needed classes for the toolkit are contained in the broadcastify-archtk package.

Example Usage:

from broadcastify_archtk import BroadcastifyArchive

Instantiating the toolkit

The toolkit’s capabilities are exposed via the broadcastify-archtk.btk.BroadcastifyArchive class.

                    username=None, password=None, login_cfg_path=None,
                    show_browser_ui=False, webdriver_path=None)
ParameterData TypeRequirementDescription
feed_idstrRequiredThe unique feed identifier for the Broadcastify feed represented by the object, taken from[feed_id]
usernamestrOptionalThe username for a valid Broadcastify account. In order to download, the account must be a premium account. (The parameter is optional at instantiation, but must be set before downloading audio files, unless login_cfg_path is supplied)
passwordstrOptionalThe password for the account referenced by username; required subject to the same constraints and timing as username
login_cfg_pathstrOptionalAbsolute path to a config file containing the username and password information. Allows the user to maintain the privacy of their account information
show_browser_uiboolOptionalIf True, scraping done during initialization and build will be done with the Selenium webdriver option headless=False, resulting in a visible browser window being open in the UI during scraping. Otherwise, scraping will be done “invisibly”. Note that no browser will be shown during download, since requests.Session() is used rather than Selenium
webdriver_pathstrOptionalThe absolute path to the Selenium webdriver to be used for scraping. Not required if the WebDriver is in a directory in the operating system’s PATH environment variable. The path must be to the WebDriver file itself, not the containing directory

Example Usage:

my_archive = BroadcastifyArchive(feed_id='4288')

Password Configuration Files

If you do not wish to expose your Broadcastify login information in your code, you can instead store it in a configuration file. You may pass the absolute path to this file in the login_cfg_path parameter when instantiating a BroadcastifyArchive object. The file should have a .ini or .cfg extension and must use the following template:



  • Leave a space between the colon and your login parameter
  • Do not enclose the login information in quotes
  • If you need to include notes in the file, use a # to indicate a comment
  • For example:
    username: johndoe88
    password: @nonymou$1
    # Premium account last paid for on 5 Nov 2019
  • If you’re using GitHub for your project, and to avoid public exposure of your login information, ensure the password file is either in your .gitignore file or in a directory that’s not part of the repository